Which countries manufacture combat aircraft?

Discover the main combat aircraft manufacturing countries and their emblematic fighter models. A technical and global analysis of the aeronautical leaders.

The military aircraft industry represents a crucial sector in the national defense of countries around the world. The manufacture of fighter jets, key elements of air superiority, is dominated by several nations that have developed advanced technologies to produce high-performance, sophisticated fighter aircraft. Here is a list of ten fighter aircraft manufacturing nations, highlighting their notable contributions to military aviation.

United States

The United States dominates the global fighter aircraft market thanks to constant innovation and cutting-edge technology. Lockheed Martin and Boeing, two pillars of the American aerospace industry, have designed some of the world’s most advanced fighter jets. The F-22 Raptor, developed by Lockheed Martin, stands out for its unrivalled air superiority, offering stealth capabilities that make it virtually invisible to enemy radars, and a top speed in excess of Mach 2. Boeing’s F/A-18 Super Hornet is another example of versatility and efficiency, capable of operating from aircraft carriers and fulfilling a variety of roles, from air superiority to ground attack. These fighters embody American technological excellence, reinforcing the United States’ position as a global air superpower.

Locheed Martin F-22 Raptor


Russia has established itself as a major fighter power, thanks to renowned manufacturers such as Sukhoi and MiG. The Sukhoi Su-57, the flagship of Russian aviation, is a fifth-generation fighter that combines stealth, supersonic speed and remarkable agility, making it formidable in aerial engagements and effective against ground targets. The MiG-35, meanwhile, illustrates the continuity of Russian excellence in the design of multi-role aircraft, capable of carrying out a wide variety of missions in extreme conditions. These models testify to Russia’s expertise in advanced aeronautical technologies, reinforcing its international reputation in the production of competitive and sophisticated fighter aircraft.


France, renowned for its excellence in military aeronautics, has developed the Rafale and the various Mirage models, emblematic combat aircraft produced by Dassault Aviation. The Rafale, in particular, is a 4th-generation multi-role fighter designed to meet the varied requirements of French and international armed forces. Thanks to its agility, its ability to reach Mach 1.8, and its modular weapons system, the Rafale can carry out interception, reconnaissance and ground attack missions with remarkable precision. Mirages, meanwhile, have long symbolized the power and flexibility of French aviation, taking part in numerous military operations around the world. These fighters embody French know-how in defense technology, combining performance, reliability and innovation.

Dassault Rafale

United Kingdom

The UK plays a leading role in the combat aviation sector thanks to the development of the Eurofighter Typhoon, the fruit of a European collaboration involving BAE Systems, a major British defense contractor. This multi-role fighter features exceptional maneuverability and the ability to operate in multiple mission configurations, making it ideal for air superiority as well as ground attack roles. The Eurofighter Typhoon is equipped with advanced technologies, such as an AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) radar and a sophisticated electronic combat system, enabling operational effectiveness in contested environments. Its optimized aerodynamic design, combined with powerful engines, gives it a speed in excess of Mach 2. This advanced platform illustrates British expertise in aeronautical engineering and reinforces the UK’s position as a leader in the production of combat aircraft.


China marks its position on the world stage with the development of the Chengdu J-20, a fifth-generation stealth fighter that symbolizes the country’s rapid technological progress in military aviation. Designed by Chengdu Aerospace Corporation, the J-20 is equipped to ensure air superiority thanks to its advanced stealth, its ability to fly at supersonic speeds without afterburner, and its sophisticated weaponry. It is destined to rival other fifth-generation aircraft such as the American F-22 Raptor. In addition, China is working on the development of other fighter aircraft such as the Shenyang FC-31, a medium-sized stealth fighter, aimed at further strengthening its air fleet and exporting its defense technology. These initiatives reflect China’s commitment to modernizing its air force and asserting its status as a global military power.



Germany is playing a key role in the development and manufacture of the Eurofighter Typhoon, a state-of-the-art multi-role fighter that illustrates European expertise in air defense. As lead partner in this international consortium, German contributions via Airbus Defence and Space focus on precision engineering, advanced weapons systems technology and aerodynamic performance. This collaboration has resulted in an aircraft capable of operating in a variety of combat scenarios, offering exceptional agility, supersonic capabilities and operational versatility for air forces. Germany’s involvement in this project underlines its commitment to European security and its status as a leader in advanced defense technologies.


Thanks to its active participation in the Eurofighter Typhoon project, Italy plays an essential role in the European air defense landscape. The Italian contribution, in particular via Leonardo S.p.A., is crucial to the supply of sophisticated avionics systems, including active antenna radars (AESA), communication and navigation systems, and advanced electro-optical sensors. These technologies significantly enhance the reconnaissance, surveillance and targeting capabilities of fighter aircraft, making the Typhoon an effective multi-role platform in a multitude of operational scenarios. Leonardo also plays a role in the development and production of other fighter aircraft, highlighting Italian expertise in aeronautical innovation and defense systems.

Eurofighter Typhoon


Sweden has established itself as an innovative player in the field of combat aviation with the Saab JAS 39 Gripen. Designed by Saab Aerospace, the Gripen is a light, agile and versatile fighter aircraft, capable of carrying out air-to-air, air-to-surface and reconnaissance missions. Its modular design and advanced avionics system enable easy upgrading of equipment and weapons, ensuring its long-term relevance. Gripen stands out for its operational efficiency, with take-off and landing capability on short runways, making it ideal for a variety of operating environments. Its small logistical footprint and competitive operating costs make Gripen an economically viable choice for air forces around the world, underlining Swedish expertise in the design of high-performance, cost-effective combat aircraft.


With the development of the HAL Tejas, India has marked a significant milestone in its autonomy in air defense. The Tejas, India’s first independently designed and produced fighter, is the fruit of a joint effort by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and the Indian Aeronautical Development Agency. This light multi-role fighter is characterized by its compact structure, which gives it excellent maneuverability, essential for close air-to-air combat as well as ground attack missions. Equipped with modern avionics, a digital flight control system and the ability to carry a variety of weapons, the Tejas is designed to meet the complex demands of today’s combat scenarios. Its commissioning represents a major milestone in India’s defense capabilities, and underlines the country’s commitment to innovation and independence in the military aviation sector.

Saab Gripen pilot training


Japan, through the development of the Mitsubishi X-2 Shinshin, demonstrates its technological expertise and ambition in the fifth-generation fighter aircraft sector. This prototype stealth fighter embodies Japan’s efforts to design an advanced aerial platform capable of competing with the world’s latest generations of fighter jets. The X-2 Shinshin is equipped with state-of-the-art stealth technologies, sophisticated avionics and propulsion systems, offering enhanced maneuverability and radar stealth capabilities. Its development underlines Japan’s commitment to maintaining a competitive air defense force, while pushing the frontiers of aeronautical innovation. The X-2 is a step towards the future of Japanese combat aviation, symbolizing a key milestone in the strengthening of its defensive and technological capabilities.

Each country mentioned makes a unique contribution to combat aviation, with fighter aircraft that reflect its strategic needs, technological capabilities and geopolitical ambitions. These aircraft are the product of years of research, development and innovation, symbolizing the commitment of nations to maintaining their sovereignty and protecting their interests across the globe.

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