Norway invests $60 billion in military modernization


Norway announces an ambitious defense plan with record investment to strengthen its armed forces and surveillance in the Far North, in collaboration with NATO.

Norway’s long-term defense plan

Norway’s center-left government plans to submit its most ambitious and comprehensive long-term defense plan (LTDP) to the Storting (national parliament). Under the leadership of Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre, this plan proposes an unprecedented investment of $60 billion over 12 years to 2036 to strengthen national defense. The plan includes a significant increase in funding in all areas of the Norwegian Defense Forces (NDF), with a particular focus on improving air defense and surveillance capabilities, especially in the Far North and on the northern borders with Russia.

Strengthening and modernizing the armed forces

The LTDP envisages a doubling of Norway’s defense budget, from $8.75 billion in 2024 to over $17 billion in 2036. This increased funding will enable the expansion of surveillance and strategic control capabilities, incorporating new specialized surveillance vessels as well as the expansion of satellite and drone capabilities. In addition, the plan supports the strengthening of military stocks used to assist Ukraine, reflecting Norway’s commitment to international security.


Military procurement priorities

The acquisition of new frigates, submarines and surface vessels is at the heart of Norway’s objectives to strengthen its national defense. The procurement program also includes the country’s first long-range air defense system. The army will see its brigades increase from one to three, and the Home Guard will grow from 40,000 to 45,000 combat-ready soldiers, marking a clear increase in rapid mobilization capabilities.

The impact of Finland and Sweden joining NATO

The LTDP underlines the importance of NATO and the neighboring Nordic states, including the recent accession of Finland and Sweden, for Norway’s long-term security. This expansion of NATO is seen as strengthening security in the Nordic region, imposing new obligations on Norway as an ally contributing to the defense and security of the Nordic and Baltic regions.

By combining a historic investment in defense with a commitment to regional and international security, Norway’s LTDP aims to prepare the country for emerging security challenges. The plan represents not only a significant strengthening of Norwegian military capabilities, but also a commitment to closer collaboration with NATO allies, ensuring a secure presence in the High North and beyond.

War Wings Daily is an independant magazine.