Terrorist organizations in the Middle East

terrorist groups in the Middle East

The following is a list of the main terrorist organizations that operate or have operated in the Middle East. This list includes groups classified as terrorist organizations by various governments and international bodies, in particular the United Nations, the European Union and the United States. The classification of these groups may vary from country to country.

1. Islamic State (EI)

  • Also known as : Daech, ISIS, ISIL
  • Areas of operation: Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan
  • Description: Salafist jihadist group advocating the establishment of an Islamic caliphate.

2. Al-Qaeda

  • Also known as : Qaeda, Al-Qaeda
  • Areas of operation : Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Iraq
  • Description: Jihadist network founded by Osama bin Laden in 1988, responsible for the attacks of September 11, 2001.

3. Hezbollah

  • Areas of operation : Lebanon, Syria
  • Description: Lebanese Shiite group, backed by Iran, involved in military and political activities. Classified as a terrorist organization by some countries, but not universally.

4. Taliban

  • Areas of operation : Afghanistan, Pakistan
  • Description: Radical Sunni Islamist group which took control of Afghanistan in 2021. Their classification as a terrorist organization varies from country to country.

5. Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (formerly al-Nosra Front)

  • Also known as : Al-Nusra Front, Jabhat al-Nusra
  • Areas of operation: Syria
  • Description: Al-Qaeda-linked group operating in Syria in opposition to the Bashar al-Assad regime.

6. Ansar al-Sharia

  • Areas of operations: Yemen, Libya, Tunisia
  • Description: Salafist jihadist group operating mainly in Libya and Yemen.

7. Hamas

  • Areas of operation: Palestine (Gaza)
  • Description: Palestinian Islamist group, classified as a terrorist organization by some countries due to its violent actions against Israel. Also runs social services in the Gaza Strip.

8. Palestinian Islamic Jihad

  • Areas of operation : Palestine (Gaza), Syria
  • Description: Palestinian militant group engaged in the fight against Israel.

9. Kataib Hezbollah

  • Areas of operations: Iraq, Syria
  • Description: Iraqi Shiite militia, supported by Iran, engaged against American forces in Iraq.

10. Ansar Allah (Houthis)

  • Areas of operations: Yemen
  • Description: Iranian-backed Yemeni Shiite Zaidi group at war with the Yemeni government.

11. Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (Al-Shabaab)

  • Areas of operation: Somalia, Kenya (indirect influence in the Middle East)
  • Description: Jihadist group linked to al-Qaeda, active mainly in Somalia but with operations in East Africa.

12. Al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya (Islamic Resistance in Iraq)

  • Area of operations: Iraq
  • Description: Shiite paramilitary groups formed in reaction to the American invasion in 2003.

13. Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades

  • Areas of operations: West Bank, Gaza
  • Description: Palestinian armed group, military wing of Fatah, engaged in attacks against Israel.

14. Jaish al-Islam (Army of Islam)

  • Areas of operations: Syria
  • Description: Sunni rebel group fighting against the Syrian regime, particularly around Damascus.

15. Ahrar al-Sham

  • Areas of operations: Syria
  • Description: Sunni Islamist rebel group fighting the Syrian government.

16. Liwa Fatemiyoun

  • Areas of operations : Syria
  • Description: Afghan Shiite group backed by Iran, active in Syria in support of the Bashar al-Assad regime.

17. Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq

  • Areas of operations: Iraq
  • Description: Iranian-backed Iraqi Shiite militia, active against US forces and Sunni groups.

18. Saraya al-Quds

  • Areas of operation: Palestine
  • Description: Military branch of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

19. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQPA)

  • Areas of operations: Yemen, Saudi Arabia
  • Description: One of the most active branches of al-Qaeda, operating mainly in Yemen.

20. Armed Islamic Group (GIA)

  • Areas of operation: Algeria, influence in the Middle East
  • Description: Algerian Islamist group of the 1990s, known for its terrorist actions.

This list includes the best-known groups and those with a significant impact in the region. There are also many smaller groups, affiliated to these organizations or operating more locally.

terrorist groups in the Middle East

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