French Mirages ready to strike Russia

French Mirages ready to strike Russia

The French Army is upgrading Mirage 2000-5Fs to enhance ground attack capabilities, offering key support to Ukraine in 2024.

France is preparing to deliver Mirage 2000-5Fs to Ukraine, with modifications to improve their ground attack capabilities. These aircraft, powered by the Snecma M53 engine, can reach a speed of Mach 2.2 (2,600 km/h) and fly at altitudes of 15,000 metres. The upgrade includes the addition of SCALP/Storm Shadow missiles, avionics improvements and extensive training for Ukrainian pilots. This initiative is part of France’s ongoing military assistance to Ukraine, aimed at strengthening its defensive capability against Russian forces.

Mirage 2000-5F modernisation for Ukraine

France’s decision to deliver six Mirage 2000-5F to Ukraine by the end of 2024 marks a turning point in its military support. The first step in this initiative is to transform these aircraft, initially designed for air superiority, into aircraft capable of carrying out ground strikes. This is a complex process, not least because of the constraints associated with modernising existing equipment and the new operational requirements imposed by the war in Ukraine.

To achieve this transformation, significant upgrades are planned for avionics systems, particularly radars and navigation systems. These improvements are aimed at better detecting and engaging ground targets. Upgrading these systems is crucial, as the modern warfare environment requires the ability to locate and neutralise ground targets, even in the presence of electronic countermeasures. For example, radars need to be optimised to track both moving and stationary targets, despite the electromagnetic interference generated by the enemy.

The integration of SCALP/Storm Shadow missiles, capable of striking targets at long range (up to 500km), is also a major asset in this modernisation. These precision-guided missiles enhance the ability of the Mirage 2000-5F to carry out effective attacks against Russian forces, increasing their combat versatility.

The role of pilot training in Mirage 2000-5F effectiveness

For the Mirage 2000-5F to reach their full potential in a combat environment, the training of Ukrainian pilots is of paramount importance. This training, which includes more than 4,500 Ukrainian servicemen in total, aims to familiarise them not only with the technical characteristics of the modernised aircraft, but also with ground attack tactics.

Ukrainian pilots must be able to master the use of advanced navigation systems, radar and new weapons, such as guided bombs and short-range missiles. Flight simulators, which can recreate realistic scenarios, are essential tools for this preparation. Simulation training also helps to improve coordination with Ukrainian ground forces, an essential aspect of modern military operations.

The emphasis is on preparation for complex missions, particularly in urban environments, where the ability to avoid collateral damage is paramount. Thanks to these exercises, pilots can improve their responsiveness and precision under conditions of intense stress, thereby increasing their effectiveness in the field.

French Mirages ready to strike Russia

Maintenance and logistics: challenges for Mirage durability

One of the main challenges in operating the Mirage 2000-5F is its maintenance and modernisation. Although these aircraft are robust and have proved their worth in past conflicts, the demands of modern combat require regular overhauls of on-board systems and armament. Negotiations between France and Ukraine are focusing in part on how to ensure effective logistical support, including the supply of spare parts and regular maintenance of the aircraft.

France is also in discussions with countries such as Greece, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, which have similar Mirage fleets, to ensure a continuous supply of spare parts and modernised equipment. Logistics, often overlooked, is a fundamental aspect of ensuring the long-term operational availability of aircraft.

The maintenance of advanced systems, such as radars and electronic sensors, requires a skilled workforce and specialised facilities. This calls for close cooperation between the French and Ukrainian armed forces to set up technical bases in Ukraine capable of meeting the needs of these aircraft. Additional training of Ukrainian maintenance personnel is therefore essential to ensure that these aircraft can continue to operate with minimum delays.

The strategic impact of the modernised Mirage 2000-5F in the Ukrainian conflict

The modernisation of the Mirage 2000-5F plays a central role in France’s support for the Ukrainian war effort. By providing the Ukrainian armed forces with more effective ground attack capabilities, France is indirectly strengthening Ukraine’s deterrent capability in the face of Russian aggression.

In addition, this modernisation sends a clear signal to the international community of France’s determination to support Ukraine within a framework of long-term military cooperation. Although only six aircraft have been delivered, their modernisation and the possibility of acquiring more via partner countries increase Ukraine’s potential for intervention. The integration of long-range missiles, such as the SCALP/Storm Shadow, also increases the capacity for in-depth attacks against critical Russian military infrastructures, altering the tactical balance in certain combat zones.

From a strategic point of view, this cooperation between France and Ukraine is part of a wider drive to strengthen the military capabilities of Ukrainian forces, particularly in the air, which is often dominated by Russian forces. Ultimately, the modernisation of the Mirage 2000-5F could play a decisive role in certain major offensive or defensive operations.

The Mirage 2000-5F modernisation initiative for Ukraine symbolises a strategic turning point in French military assistance. By improving the ground-strike capabilities of these aircraft, training Ukrainian pilots and providing ongoing maintenance, France is providing Ukraine with concrete resources to strengthen its defence and offensive in the current conflict. These efforts, combined with technological innovations and international partnerships, aim to give Ukraine sustainable deterrence and intervention tools.

War Wings Daily is an independant magazine.