French Rafales overtake Eurofighters in sale to Saudi Arabia

Dassault Rafale

Germany blocks the sale of Eurofighter Typhoon jets to Saudi Arabia, with serious consequences for the British aerospace industry. This decision has prompted Saudi Arabia to consider the purchase of French Rafale jets, calling into question Eurofighter’s position on the international market.

The European aerospace industry is facing a major upheaval as Germany blocks the sale of Eurofighter Typhoon jets to Saudi Arabia. This decision has major repercussions for the UK and its defense industry, jeopardizing thousands of jobs and the future of fighter jet production. In addition, it opens the way for Saudi Arabia to consider the purchase of French Rafale jets, a development that could be a game-changer in the fighter jet market.

The consequences of the German decision:

Impact on the British Aerospace Industry:

Germany has refused to authorize the sale of 48 Eurofighter Typhoon jets to Saudi Arabia, creating a crisis in the British aerospace industry. More than 6,000 jobs are at stake, and the British defense sector risks not producing fighter jets for a decade. This is partly because the UK plans to start production of sixth-generation fighter jets only in the 2030s, and the Royal Air Force is gradually replacing its Eurofighters with American F-35 stealth jets. This creates a gap in the industry that could be difficult to fill.

Call to Extend Eurofighter Service Life:

The German aerospace industry is concerned about the potential closure of Eurofighter production lines without new orders. To maintain engineering talent in the country and bridge the gap until the arrival of the next-generation aircraft under the FCAS program scheduled for 2040, some parties are calling for the Eurofighters’ service life to be extended by ten years. This proposal may be a temporary solution, but it does not solve the problem of the lack of new orders.

Saudi Arabia turns to French Rafales:

Faced with Germany’s refusal, Saudi Arabia is exploring other options to meet its fighter jet needs. One of these options is the purchase of French Rafale jets produced by Dassault Aviation. The fact that Saudi Arabia is seriously considering this alternative reflects its dissatisfaction with its previous suppliers, the USA and the UK. This decision could have major repercussions on the international fighter aircraft market.

Dassault Rafale

French Rafales in the Race:

Discussions between Saudi Arabia and Dassault Aviation:

Saudi Arabia has initiated discussions with Dassault Aviation regarding a possible purchase of Rafale jets. Although specific details of these discussions are not yet available, it is clear that Saudi Arabia is actively exploring this option. Rafales have enjoyed growing success on the international market, reinforcing their appeal to countries seeking new fighter jets.

France as an arms supplier:

Unlike the USA and Germany, France has maintained a more flexible stance when it comes to military equipment sales. It supplied Saudi Arabia with a variety of armaments, including Rafales, without reluctance. This favorable attitude on the part of France helped to increase Saudi Arabia’s interest in Rafales. If Saudi Arabia turns to France for its fighter aircraft needs, this could have repercussions for international relations and the aerospace industry.

Germany’s decision to block the sale of Eurofighter Typhoon jets to Saudi Arabia has serious consequences for the British aerospace industry, and opens the way for Saudi Arabia to consider the purchase of French Rafale jets. This situation highlights the complex issues involved in selling arms to countries involved in international conflicts, and underlines the importance of foreign policy in commercial decisions. The future of the European aerospace industry and international relations are closely linked to these developments, and it will be crucial to keep a close eye on future decisions by Saudi Arabia and the European countries involved.

War Wings Daily is an independant magazine.

Dassault Rafale